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This prayer creates miracles

Oct 09, 2021

I am so grateful for you being here. In this video I got inspired to share with you one of my morning prayers that I say it inspires me deeply each time i say this morning prayers inspired by a prayer that I heard my teacher said a while back.

but I created my own variation of it and I actually create a variation of it all the time depending on what's going on in my life. this prayer moves me deeply and so I thought I'll share with you that it does the same for you.


And so here we go. Here's my prayer for today. Today I am so grateful for another day given to me.

I am so grateful for this new opportunity given to me cosmic energy, cosmic mind, God of all the universe. Please help me let go of all my shortcomings of yesterday and start new and fresh again today.

Please help me forgive myself and forgive others for our shortcomings, cosmic energy, cosmic mind, God of all the universe.

Please guide me in taking steps towards my mission and vision so that with a light heart, with gratitude and with sincere and humble mind together. We can create joy, abundance, peace of mind and love.

I share this prayer for myself, for my family, for my friends, for my clients, for my social media family, for the souls in my email list, and for all of humanity.

Thank you so much for listening. If you also have a favorite prayer, please show me in the comments below and also please share with me how you felt listening to this particular prayer.

I love you
