Hello there beautiful soul!
You know, when I first started as a coach, there were many, many facets of growth I had no clue about (and of course there is still always room for growth). Some awakenings, awareness along the way have been game-changers in my growth, and what I am about to share with you in this post is definitely one of them.
It has changed everything for me. It has changed how I am in my heart, and it has majorly increased how fast I manifest in my life, and in my coaching, and it's all our mind and energy - Of course!
So when I first started posting on social media about energy healing, energy work and how it had transformed my life, some received well, some congratulated me, some were so excited for me, and then ....
There were a few snarky comments, criticism about the way that I spoke or wrote English, some skeptical comments , some comments about why one shouldn't charge when doing spiritual work and so on and so forth...
Back then, my highest price was $297..... still, some people felt I was too expensive...
It hit me everytime, in the gut, in my heart.
Then, I increased my highest price to $10,000 ...
It took some time for me to calibrate to that price, to believe in myself for that price, to do the work to attract those clients, then before I knew it, I had my first $10k client, who was just so thrilled to pay me and to get started, and we went on to create magic together. I have increased my highest prices to $15k, $17k, $25k since then, though I still have services at less than $100.
But you want to know what else I got? Comments about how my prices were unreasonable, sarcastic comments about who I believed I was ... and so on...
Why am I sharing all this with you?
Becoming aware that there is a flip side to everything we desire in our lives, and developing the ability to hold both sides of the coin has changed it all.
So often, we spend our time in our mind, trying to avoid the worst case scenarios, leaking our precious energy that way, energy that we could be utilizing to infuse our dreams, and desires.
Recognizing that there is always a flip side to what I desire in my life, and deciding to develop my capacity to hold it all has been a game changer.
The fact of the matter is, whenever I have had an offer,
- There are people who have rejected my offers
- There are people who have tried to ridicule me for having the gaul to even have an offer.
- Then there have been people who would be like : I may not have the purchasing power for this right now, but I am putting this on my list, and soon, I will work with you. For some, we end up working together ( the thrill!) and for some, not yet ( and that is ok )
- Then there are people who would be like: I need to feel into this, then decide to buy, or not buy .
- Then there are people who are like: OMG, I have been waiting for this offer for a long time !!!!
- Just like that, when I recently started offering energy intuitive reading sessions, I had people like "OMG, what took you so long?" , and still have had people ridicule my offer .
- People meet us from where they are and from their own beliefs .
- We get to decide whether we'd let other's beliefs lead us, or lead ourselves from an empowered space, open heart with focus on our desires, goals and dreams.
In the past, especially before I had evidence that it was alI possible, I spent much of my energy focusing on the rejection, as it very much triggered wounds from the past ( which I tried to avoid at all cost, and kept recreating over and over again ) .
It took developing my personal power ( energetically, 4th chakra power, in case you are wondering :) ) to start increasing my ability to hold energy for my vision, to manifest my dreams one by one, knowing that there is a flip side to it all.
That is our truest power of creation!